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ACI Aggregate Base Testing Technician Certification | Spokane Area | November 5, 2024
Tuesday, November 05, 2024, 8:15 AM - 4:30 PM PST
Category: ACI Certification Exams

Please email Ryan Matteson at [email protected] with questions.  

ACI Aggregate / Soils Base Testing Technician Certification Exam

Exam Information

Written Exam  |  Tuesday, November 5, 2024 | Testing time: 8:15 AM | AGC Inland Empire Offices | 4935 E. Trent Ave | Spokane, WA  99212
Performance Exam | Tuesday, November 5, 2024 | Testing times will be selected at registration | STRATA | 10020 E. Knox Ave #200 | Spokane Valley, WA  99206

Important: ALL Examinees will be required to use all PPE when taking their performance exam, including gloves, eye protection, appropriate work shoes, or other PPE that your employee may require you to use when on the job. 


The ACI study guide will ONLY be sent once payment is received. The written and performance exams are based on the seven ASTM standards contained in your study guide. A standard calculator may be used, but cell phone calculators are NOT allowed.
If you are unfamiliar with the testing equipment, we STRONGLY recommend you become thoroughly familiar with all testing equipment and procedures prior to the test.

Please bring a proper photo ID to the exam.

Cancellation Policy

Contact: Ryan Matteson | [email protected] | 509.998.9003